jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Disingenuous at best, extremely dangerous at worst

I'm no expert on the Mideast but I have been observing over the years with consternation the policy of Israel towards Palestine.

"La population [Palestinian en Gaza] est au bord du gouffre."    jeudi, le 31 juillet, 2014, Pierre Krähenbühl, le chef de l'agence de l'ONU pour l'aide aux réfugiés palestiniens (UNRWA) devant le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies.

1,400 Palestinians dead in the 24 days of the most recent Israeli campaign.   100 (or so) cote Israel. This is not justice.  Revenge maybe, not justice.  It will not stop the cycle of violence.

No apologist for Arab terrorism ("Death to Israel!  Death to all Jews!"), I am of the opinion that Israel's constantly holding Hamas, or by extension, Palestinians, responsible for the horrible civil deaths that occur as a result of its bombing excursions in Gaza and elsewhere is dangerous and disingenuous, at best.

No Palestinian or Arab, or most Europeans for that matter, is going to believe that because Hamas has murdered Israelis (as a result of kidnapping, rockets fired, etc.) that, therefore, that organization is ultimately responsible for indiscriminate (despite being "targeted" towards specific Hamas leadership) bombing that leaves Palestinian buildings in rubble and many many casualties.

Israel's rationale and justification appear to be aimed at both its domestic audience and the US.

Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to supply Israel with the weaponry used to carry out these air raids without putting sufficient pressure on the latter to stop the implantation of colonies in Palestine or lobbying strongly for the establishment of a state for the Palestinians.

John Kerry appears impotent, the Palestinians not even paying any heed to his day-to-day diplomacy efforts.    [Note:  He did obtain a 72-hour ceasefire on 31.07.14, a respite].

(The homilies of Obama don't matter much, either.  Like his predecessors, Obama never is really serious when it comes to Israel/Palestine:  Business as usual, and, in the final analysis, to hell with human rights).

A dangerous game for Israel.  And the U.S.A.

Are we ourselves creating, in large part, creating suicide bombers?

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