mardi 2 décembre 2014

On Darren Wilson: Minority Report

It is pretty clear, although I must declare that I am not absolutely sure, that Darren Wilson is innocent.  (There are few things on earth of which one can be absolutely sure of, short of summer follows spring and the like).

View his testimony on Youtube:  he has a clear conscience.  He is speaking straight-forward, not hiding anything.  He does not appear to be a bully, racist, or a liar.  Only someone gifted with superior acting skills or a compulsive liar/psychopath could speak the words he says in the interview and in the manner he does.

Why would any white policeman shoot a black man and go then go through a protracted investigation that draws national attention for months, one which could bring down an indictment and conviction on murder, and then imprisonment for life.   Even if a grand jury does not  charge him, this same policeman then faces possible federal prosecution on civil rights violations.

What happens next are the death threats, the need for his family to live in a secret location, and the loss of his employment (political pressures).  He is a man marked for life.  If he simply was trying the best he could to carry out his duty as a law enforcement officer--as I believe he was--then what he had undergone has been an extraordinary ordeal.

Few liberals have cared to even for a moment put themselves in Wilson's shoes and dare to ask the question:  What if he hadn't shot Brown?  Would Wilson still be alive?   As if liberals were omniscient...Does anyone really know?

No sane person would want to and be willing to go through what he has gone through.  (He is not a member of the Aryan nation).  Unless he truly felt at the time threatened for his life.  Not because he, being a racist and hating all blacks, wanted to murder a black person in cold blood simply because he was black, believing he could get away with with impunity.  That seems to be what the demonstrators are saying.  And the mainstream media are doing nothing to dispel that belief.

And, no, the police in most cities do not target young black men for no reason:  young black men commit a hugely disproportionate amount of violent crime.

Why hasn't the mainstream and liberal media asked:  

Why don't the police target Asians and Asian-Americans?  

Is it out of some special love for, resulting in preferential treatment for, Asians?  (I don't think so).

Maybe it's because, by and large, people of Asian ancestry* respect the law.  They don't confront law enforcement officials with automatic resistance, rage, hostility, threats, and/or disrespect.

And, more importantly. they don't commit violent crimes at a rate anywhere near that of African-Americans.

Shame on liberals, among whom I, a person of color, count myself, for abetting and encouraging mass hysteria and blind hatred.  We used to be about fairness, compassion, kindness, understanding and moderation.

All this self-righteousness is a mockery of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legacy, instrumentalizing and distorting it for other purposes.

Using the pretext of an injustice, many liberals are creating the very thing that are inveighing against (injustice).

Who is vilifying whom?   What have been the results of that vilification on the community and on the citizens of Ferguson and of this very country?   How does the destruction of property and the ensuing climate of fear create a better future?

And in this very same community, I wonder--I don't know--each year how many black men are murdered by other black men--not white cops.  Who is responsible for those deaths (and other injuries)?

Why is all this pent up rage being displaced on one young man's shoulders?  Who is being made to suffer for what happened in Ferguson, MO and why?

Why does this incident seem like a replay of so many others of the past 50 years?  Is there another way of seeing what happened but not according to the old stale, tried-and-true Hollywood cookie-cutter scenario(s)?

(This was just one killing among as high as 12,000 combined homicides/murders of black people annually in the United States, of whom 97% of the perpetrators were not white but actually black).

* like African and Caribbean immigrants

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