jeudi 11 décembre 2014

Atonement and guilt among the white race

  A view or an opinion is not a fact.

As a racial minority--but not an African-American--, I have views on liberal white guilt that recently I have discovered cause no small anger and resentment among those very same liberal whites.

When I explain to them that I don't believe in liberal white guilt or white privilege, they are upset.

They--the entire white race--have to atone for what "they" the entire white race, as in anyone whose skin is "white"--did to to black people.

Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Arab-Americans may not have exactly the same take on this issue, although they are definitely encouraged to by liberal whites, who, in fact, may be disappointed and angered if those groups do not.

I find it, indeed, "racist" to assign collective guilt to entire races, religions, or ethnicities, as if they were monolithic wholes.

And for that I am damned, or at least a heretic, in the minds of many white liberals.

But I thought they thought they were damned.

I would be better off, perhaps, if I simply guilt-tripped white liberals whenever possible:  they would be happier that way.  They can no longer do without guilt (and atonement).  It's manna for their spirit.

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