lundi 1 décembre 2014

A tell-tale sign of mass psychosis

All human lives have value.  But his death will be little noticed, much less mourned, by Americans.

one of the tell-tale signs of mass psychosis in a society is that the most obvious questions (or "indicators") about events are elided, ignored, or even denied, as the following murder that occurred in the wake of the Ferguson death is an example of.*

Man beaten to death with                                       hammers in St. Louis

Police say they've arrested three teenagers after a man was beaten to death with hammers in St. Louis.
Police say they've arrested three teenagers after a man was beaten to death with hammers in St. Louis.
Police say 32-year-old Zemir Begic was in his car about 1:15 a.m. Sunday when several young people approached and began damaging it. He suffered injuries to his head, abdomen, face and mouth, and was pronounced dead at a hospital.
A 17-year-old suspect turned himself in late Sunday, after 15- and 16-year-old suspects were taken into custody.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch ( ) reports that about 50 people briefly blocked an intersection Sunday night in the community to protest the killing. Begic, who was Bosnian, moved to St. Louis this year.
Police Chief Sam Dotson says there's no indication Begic was targeted because he was Bosnian.
A motive in the killing hasn't been released.

* The article begs the question of whether the race of the attackers was (if they were not black, say so, and that would be fine, as well as if they were black).  If you can identify the race/ethnicity of victim as "Bosnian, why can't you do the same for the suspected killers?   

 Is it more than just a coincidence that the murder occurred in St. Louis?   (The murder did not occur in Oakland, CA.)   What is the link, if any, to Ferguson?  Obviously, the newspaper and its sources do not even consider that question worthy of mentioning, as if it were either too disturbing or too remote to bother asking.

Will this news not even be considered part of "all the news that is fits to print" for The New York Times, or consigned to a paragraph at best in most of the national media?

Even the liberal Huffington Post reported the story.   Interestingly enough, one of its top commentators wrote that

"I abhor racism. It ends with us. Crime is crime, no matter what color you are. This is a devastating story about teenagers committing a horrific act. That is the story."

Well, then by this reasoning, why would the past few weeks would Ferguson play out in the national media as white (police) brutality against young black men?

* * * * *

For decades, I could not understand why a large percentage of the baby-boomers--those who lived in large cities with significant populations of African-Americans and who attended public schools in the 60's--would not come forward with their personal histories of having been savagely attacked by African-Americans.

Their numbers, extrapolating from Seattle, where the percentage of the black population must have been around only 10%, could be as high as in the hundreds of thousands or more, across the nation (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, D.C., Detroit, Cleveland, San Jose, etc.).

Unless they were too scared, too guilty to do so all these years... 

WE all have our own cross to bear...

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