samedi 10 janvier 2015

Why does the New York Police Department think that Mayor De Blasio has insulted them?

Why does the New York Police Department think that the Mayor has insulted them?

"Is my child safe? And not just from some of the painful realities—crime and violence in some of our neighborhoods—but are they safe from the very people they want to have faith in as their protectors?"

-New York Mayor Deblazio, quoted in The New Yorker (Jan. 11, 2015), "The Fire This Time" (David Remnick)

No doubt Mayor De Blasio believes this, but this is a liberal fantasy:  to believe that a black child has a greater risk of being assaulted by a policeman than by one of his own black peers.

What is the statistical probability of a black student being either questioned or arrested for a crime he did not commit?

What proportion of the black school-age student population in New York commits a violent crime (assault, robbery...)?

"Two generations after Selma, one out of three black males born in America today will, if present trends continue, see the inside of a prison cell."  -Ibid.

(And these are only the ones that get "caught"...unless you believe that many are "framed," which I believe is another example of liberal wishful thinking).

Is there an immutable law of nature that is forcing these men to commit crimes?  Is it possible, with parental guidance and role-modeling, to "not get in trouble"?   Are honesty and non-violence tied wholly to economic class?   (If it is, why don't Asian immigrants commit more crimes?).

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