jeudi 15 janvier 2015

Charlie Hebdo Redux II and III and beyond

Threats against me and my personal safety have occurred during the past few years.   I take them seriously.  And as long as violence is tolerated, glorified, or even tacitly encouraged in our society, I feel that I must take care of myself first.


Herein ends Lily's Blog 2.

Thank you.

* I encourage you to make a donation to local victims of implicit or explicit inter-racial violence, whatever the color of their skin and whatever the color of the skin of the aggressor.  As liberals would say, the choice of a "brown" victim is never coincidental, if only at a subliminal level.  I would assert, that the converse ("white") is true as well. We cannot directly take measures to prevent this violence as long as denial is part of the modus vivendi of so many people in our society but we can help the victims after the fact.

Advocate, in any way you can, for anti-violence workshops and the de-glorification of violence in communities at risk.

Beating up someone weaker than oneself is not a sign of one's being a real man.  In fact, it is quite the opposite.

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