vendredi 9 janvier 2015

Censored, or very soon to be censored: "The Stranger, The Shame" (Yelp review 1.9.2015)

"Ain't gotta let no white person tell me I'm a racist."

I learned from The Stranger how truly contemptible (some) white people can be: namely, the people who write for and run this newspaper as well as its dogmatic supporters.

These people [NYPD] are crybabies, says The Stranger, cradle of young, uber-hip white people.

New York City, December 2014, memorial for slain New York policemen Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, worthy of only passing mention in The Stranger in the context of an insult-laden diatribe against the NYPD.

The pain of these people [above] is not worthy of mention, according to the white hipsters at The Stranger.
Heng Hay and Chea Pol were robbed and assaulted outside King Donuts Friday night.




Don't believe everything you read.  Especially when it's in The Stranger.

It distorts facts when it doesn't outright lie.   People of color should denounce its ugly racism.

The lack of respect shown by The Stranger towards people ("dumb-ass, "chink," "honky," "douche-bag," "cracker," etc.) is pretty shocking.  From issue to issue It constantly degrades others.

It minimizes or blots out, or censors, victims of violence when they are not the right color of skin. It makes no attempt to understand diverse points of view.

-When a black person brutalizes or kills a non-black, his race is hushed up and he becomes simply "a loony."

-It leaves the impression that African-Americans never rarely commit acts of racial violence against either whites or other minorities, when the opposite is true.

In its "Last Days" column, it heaps insult upon injury ("America's premiere group of crybabies," "display of pissiness") at the majority white New York Police grieving for the murders of two of their own, one an Hispanic, Rafael Ramos, the other an Asian-American, Wenjian Liu.  The Stranger conveniently conceals the fact that the killer was an African-American who openly stated that he wanted to kill cops because of Ferguson and Gardner.

It also is disingenuous, skimming over the relationship between Mayor Blasio's blunt, tactless criticism, not quoted in the column, and lukewarm support of the NYPD and the murders weeks later.

One mention of both men.  Nothing else.  Why are their deaths any less tragic than Michael Brown's or less deserving of pondering and writing reams about?  Just because they weren't black?

And The Stranger refused to report on the brutalization of a Cambodian-American and an Indian-American at New Year's, leaving the owner of King Donuts in the Rainier Valley with "her teeth shoved to the back of her throat," while the other victim, a gas station attendant, repeatedly stabbed in the face, chest, and back, blinded in one eye, and then left to die in a pool of his own blood.  Both brutal attacks were perpetrated by black men.

When a black person brutalizes or kills a non-black, their race is hushed up and they become simply "a loony."


The Stranger:  the Left's answer to the KKK.  Mostly young, uber-hip white men (and women).   Like the Triple K, it's got blood on its hands.

(Not just Mardi Gras, Pioneer Square, 2001).




This horrific attack that occurred at a gas station in Georgetown in Seattle, New Years Day 2015, was not worth mentioning for The Stranger.  We cannot state the race of the attackers because that information is a secret (ask The Stranger).  The victim is believed to be a 65-year-old Kashmiri man.
The 65-year-old man stabbed last night in an apparent robbery is now listed in serious condition at Harborview. (Photo by Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times)

is for The Stranger
is also for

I'm not going to have a bunch of smart ass, uber-hip young white people tell me what to think.  Nor should you.

In another city, in another country, in another century, people would demonstrate outside the offices of this newspaper and demand the newspaper be closed and its editors--with their frequent use of racial slurs ("honky," "cracker," "chink," "whitey," etc.) and invective ("dumb-ass"...) be charged with incitement to violence and hatred.

When a white The Stranger...says someone or something is racist, why believe him (her) anyway?

If white people collectively need to atone, this newspaper's offices would be a good place to start stoning them, as you're going to find mostly young white men there.

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