jeudi 28 août 2014

The evil empire

Amazon ignites culture clash over France’s beloved bookstores

Amazon’s rise has provoked fear and suspicion from the French government that its tactics may be undermining a treasured part of French culture: its bookstores. So the government has passed an “anti-Amazon” law to protect booksellers and French culture.
Seattle Times business reporter


Amazon's rise has provoked strong reactions across Europe. This series examines the culture clash caused by the retail giant's international expansion and how some governments, unions and rivals are fighting the company.
More from the series:
Part 2: In Germany, warehouse workers are fighting for a union contract against staunchly anti-union Amazon.
Part 3: Planting its European headquarters in Luxembourg has afforded Amazon big tax advantages, which does not sit well in Britain.
Funding for the project:
This series was produced in partnership with the McGraw Center for Business Journalism at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.
First of three parts
Like many of the bouquinistes, the booksellers who line the banks of the Seine in the French capital, Bernard Terrades is a bit brusque.
Terrades specializes in thrillers, and he speaks in the clipped, precise patois of the literature he sells. And he regards the rise of Amazon, currently at the center of a heated French debate over e-retailing, as more than a little sinister.
Terrades fears that online bookselling, which dominates in France, is robbing the country of its culture.
“It’s completely empty,” Terrades said. “There is no connection with customers. People have lost the curiosity to go out and find books.”
All of which makes Terrades’ decision to sell books through Amazon’s marketplace wrenching. When online shoppers happen upon his digital storefront on, they’ll never hear him wax on about the exploits of Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath, the superspy creation of Terrades’ favorite author, Jean Bruce. Instead, they’ll see the uniform, lifeless Web page where Terrades sells his books alongside thousands of others.
“It really hurts me to do it, but I don’t have a choice,” said Terrades, whose Amazon sales account for about 20,000 euros ($26,477) a year, roughly 20 percent of his revenue. It’s what enables him to employ a part-time staffer to keep his bookstand and bookstore alive.
Like many French, Terrades is torn over Amazon. It has become a fixture in French literary life, a force that can’t be ignored. It’s so powerful that the French government recently passed legislation with no other goal than to thwart the Web giant. Dubbed the “anti-Amazon law” by the French media, it went into effect July 10 to combat what Culture Minister Aurélie Filippetti called Amazon’s “dumping” of low-cost books in France in order to protect independent bookstores. It prohibits online retailers from discounting books or offering free shipping.
Bernard Terrades is a bookseller in Paris. “People have lost the curiosity to go out and find books.”
The French are not alone in their suspicions. Amazon’s growing dominance of key online markets in Europe — and the relentless tactics it has used to gain its perch — has created a new set of challenges for the Seattle-based company. Even as Amazon offers the sort of price, convenience and selection benefits that Americans have come to know, many Europeans remain wary of the hypercompetitive culture responsible for its exponential growth at home.
And even at home, Amazon is facing fire for its fierce negotiating tactics. The company has been locked in a three-month dispute with Hachette, a centuries-old French publisher owned by the Parisian media giant Lagardère Group, over the pricing of electronic books. The nasty dispute has become public, with each company enlisting authors to paint the opposite company as craven and indifferent.
Amazon is engaged in another battle over similar issues in Germany with the Bonnier Group that’s sparked author protests there earlier this month.
Amazon’s march on Europe has run into headwinds, as everything from legal constraints in France to union battles in Germany to public shaming over tax avoidance in the United Kingdom threaten to slow its growth.
“They come to Europe and they try to use the same business model,” said Karan Girotra, professor of technology and operations management at INSEAD, a top European business school based in Fontainebleau, just south of Paris. “[It] hasn’t worked as well.”
That is a risky place for Amazon to be, perhaps more so than for most companies. Meteoric growth has always been the fuel that powers Amazon’s financial engine. Wall Street has long been willing to give the company a pass on slim profits, or even losses, as long as revenues continued to soar.
But Amazon’s international operations grew just 14 percent last year, to $29.9 billion. Many companies would be happy with that, but it’s just half the pace of its more mature North American unit, which grew 28 percent, to $44.5 billion. The weaker international performance, which also includes sales from emerging markets such as China and India, dragged Amazon’s overall growth down to 22 percent, a sharp drop from the 27 percent posted in 2012.
If Amazon can’t rev up its sales engine again, investors will press to see bigger margins. Indeed, they already have: Wall Street expected higher profit off Amazon’s slowing sales for 2013. When Amazon didn’t deliver, its stock plummeted 25 percent earlier this year, and remains more than 18 percent off its January high.
Culture war
The battle in Europe is as much cultural as it is financial. In France, the government moved to protect independent bookstores, as it has for years, because books hold a revered spot in a country that’s produced literary giants such as Voltaire and Proust.
In Germany, Amazon warehouse workers are fighting for a union contract because unions are deeply revered as part of the country’s fabric. And in the United Kingdom, lawmakers from across the political spectrum have chastised Amazon’s tax strategy for not paying its fair share.
To some extent, Amazon is battling cultural currents.
“These are uncontroversial issues,” said Girota, co-author of “The Risk-Driven Business Model,” which praises Amazon’s skillful shifting of strategy to adapt to evolving market challenges in the United States. “These are part of the broad social contract.”
Amazon, never averse to conflict, continues to battle its opponents in Europe. Executives say the clashes haven’t curbed sales; instead, they blame the slower growth on Europe’s moribund economic recovery. And they insist customers there want the same things its U.S. customers crave: low price, wide selection and shopping convenience.
“I don’t see people in Europe waking up in the morning saying I’m not going to shop at Amazon because I don’t like them,” Xavier Garambois, vice president of Amazon’s European retail operations, said in an interview at the company’s European headquarters in Luxembourg.
Christian Kert is a conservative National Assembly member who sponsored the anti-Amazon law.
Identity at risk
The challenges Amazon faces are, perhaps, most stark in France, where the government has long defended l’exception culturelle. In order to protect French culture from being overrun by globalization that brings Hollywood movies, British music and more, the government has invoked the concept of cultural exception to justify subsidies and tax breaks to producers of French art and literature.
Many French see bookstores as the heart of that culture. They aren’t just shops to pick up the latest best-seller, but a civic space that helps keep its citizenry engaged and informed. To many, preserving bookstores isn’t merely about saving an industry; it’s about perpetuating ideals integral to being French.
“Several hundred independent bookstores [disappear] every year,” said Christian Kert, a conservative National Assembly member who sponsored the anti-Amazon law. “We consider that independent bookstores are the true authority in regards to reading and literature.”
Small bookstores are so central to French culture that they are protected by law. In 1981, the government barred retailers from discounting books more than 5 percent. The so-called Lang Law, named for then-Minister of Culture Jack Lang, attempted to prevent megaretailers from crushing independent bookstores.
But the Lang Law never anticipated online book sales, which topped 500 million euros in France last year — 18 percent of the overall market, and growing rapidly. That’s why the government adopted the new anti-Amazon law, which passed unanimously through both chambers of the federal legislature.
Such government intervention, including grants and interest-free loans to independent bookstores, has done much to preserve an industry that has withered in the United States and elsewhere. France still has 3,000 independent bookstores, one independent for every 22,000 citizens. By comparison, Washington state has one independent bookstore for every 70,000 residents, according to a 2012 Publishers Weekly survey.
But the French government has grown increasingly worried that l’exception culturelle is wilting under the pressure from the Internet — and, more to the point, from Amazon. The American giant accounts for about 70 percent of online book sales in France, according to TNS Sofres, a market-research firm.
Restricted to list price
Before the new law, Amazon systematically offered free shipping on top of the maximum 5 percent discount on every book. Now, Amazon must sell books at list price, and has begun charging a penny, for shipping. Since brick-and-mortar booksellers can still apply the 5 percent discount, the law allows them to undercut Amazon.
The goal is to preserve what Filippetti, the culture minister in President François Hollande’s socialist government, calls “bibliodiversity,” the idea that French readers have access to the broadest selection of books. The only way to do that, she reasons, is to foster a vibrant independent-bookselling industry.
“There’s a real danger when only one actor, whomever it may be, is in the position to determine the products you can access,” Filippetti, a novelist herself, said in an email interview. “It’s even worse when this actor works with mathematical algorithms and when the product you’re talking about is books.”
(Filippetti resigned Aug. 25, with two other cabinet members, in protest of Hollande’s economic policies.)
Aurélie Filippetti is the culture minister in President François Hollande’s government. “There’s a real danger when only one actor, whomever it may be, is in the position to determine the products you can access,” Filippetti, a novelist herself, said. (Filippetti resigned Aug. 25, with two other cabinet members, in protest of Hollande’s economic policies.)
U.S. fight hurts image
Amazon’s hard-nosed tactics in its current dispute with publisher Hachette over e-book pricing in the United States has further sullied its image. Amazon reportedly wants a bigger piece of electronic-book profits. So it has ratcheted up the pressure on Hachette by eliminating presale options for some of Hachette’s titles and delaying the delivery of others.
Those tactics have raised the hackles of well-known Hachette authors, including Malcolm Gladwell and James Patterson.
Though the dispute doesn’t affect France, where electronic-book sales remain scant, Filippetti warns that it demonstrates the threat of Amazon’s size and power.
“They don’t work for customer benefits, as they would like [it] to appear,” she said, “but rather for their own profits — and to disrupt the cultural sector.”
Amazon has said its disagreement with Hachette is about obtaining the best terms for its customers, and argues that Hachette is clinging to a dated business model.
“Hachette spent three months stonewalling and only grudgingly began to even acknowledge our concerns when we took action to reduce sales of their titles in our store,” the company said in a blog post earlier this month.
And when it comes to serving French readers, Amazon executives note that its vast warehouses offer the country’s widest variety of books. Romain Voog, president and managing director for, said Amazon has purchased at least one copy of each of the 700,000 French books in print.
What’s more, Voog said, the Lang Law and the new legislation put French consumers who live in rural areas at a disadvantage. Parisians have myriad city bookstores. Not so for readers who live in villages.
“The real bibliodiversity is the Internet,” Voog said.
Olivier Michel is shown in front of his bookstore in Paris. “People in this building order from Amazon when I have the same book at the same price,” he said.
Stubborn distrust
Even though Amazon has been selling books in France for 14 years, Voog acknowledges “culture headwinds.” He recognizes there are still plenty of French who are dubious about its motives.
“There are a lot of concerns and fears that are not really rational,” Voog said. “We keep focusing a lot on improving the customer experience.”
Amazon executives point to its European innovations, including translation technology that makes it easy for French customers to shop on Amazon’s German site, for example. And the company has created a Europe-specific fulfillment network that delivers many items in one day to subscribers of its Prime service (called Premium in France), rather than the two days it typically takes in the U.S.
Those remain formidable advantages. While French booksellers welcome the new law, they are also realistic about Amazon’s relentless competitive threat.
“People in this building order from Amazon when I have the same book at the same price,” said Olivier Michel, who owns L’Humeur Vagabonde, a bookshop just a few blocks north of Sacré-Cœur Basilica. “It’s the Internet culture that wants it.”
Once loyal customers, who looked to bookstore staff for suggestions, now shop online.
“Today’s shopper is l’amant infidel,” an unfaithful lover, said François Maillot, directeur général of La Procure, a small bookstore chain that specializes in Christian books.
François Maillot is directeur général of La Procure, a small bookstore chain that specializes in Christian books.
Buying time
Even Kert, the conservative lawmaker who sponsored the anti-Amazon law, is among them. When buying books, he first visits the local bookstores. But if the local bookstore doesn’t have what he wants, he shops at Amazon.
Kert figures the law will buy independent bookstores a bit more time to compete against the online juggernaut, perhaps five or 10 more years. And many are racing to set up Internet operations themselves.
But Kert also acknowledges there are some parallels between this fight and the struggles told in the French literary classic “The Myth of Sisyphus” by Albert Camus. In the essay, Camus introduces his philosophy of the absurd, recounting the Greek myth in which Sisyphus was condemned to repeatedly push a boulder up a mountain, only to see it roll down again.
Kert knows that his bill will protect independent bookstores from the Internet, and Amazon, only for so long.
“We don’t expect but a single thing: that it allows the community of independent bookstores to adapt,” Kert said. “Some will continue disappearing, but we feel the will in some independent bookstores to adapt, to resist.”
Jay Greene: 206-464-2231 or Twitter @greene.
Videos by Susan Jouflas.

mardi 26 août 2014

Grieving without blame, rage, violence, resentment, and condemnation: One story

Justin Ferrari’s widow meets, talks with the man who killed him

Seated in a downtown Seattle courtroom in late August, Dr. Maggie Hooks faced the 21-year-old stranger — a man who killed her husband while he was driving through the Central Area with his parents and two children.

Seattle Times staff reporter
Sutton, the defense lawyer, said "...Essentially this was a crazy, fluky, tragic...  MORE
Patterson´s lawyer sees this, or wants us to see it, as a fluke. It was no...  MORE
This was no accident. For the defense attorney to suggest it was is a disgrace.  MORE

Seated in a downtown Seattle courtroom in late August, Dr. Maggie Hooks faced the man who killed her husband in front of their two children a little more than one year earlier.
Surrounded by lawyers, police and jail guards, Hooks looked directly at Andrew Patterson, 21, and read from a prepared statement.
She explained how she and her young children were coping after the murder of Justin Ferrari, a software engineer who was the inadvertent victim of a gunshot fired by Patterson while driving through the Central Area on May 24, 2012. She spoke about their loss and how it had changed their lives.
Patterson listened and then apologized, his lawyer, Aimee Sutton, recalled Thursday.
The unusual meeting between killer and victim’s wife was requested by Hooks and was inspired by a sit-down between a Florida family and the man who had killed their daughter.
And while there is a passing reference to the meeting in a pre-sentencing memorandum, it’s unclear what — if any — impact it will have when Patterson faces a King County Superior Court judge Friday morning to learn his sentence for second-degree murder.
Senior Deputy Prosecutor Scott O’Toole is recommending a sentence of nearly 19 years. Sutton plans to ask Judge Michael Hayden for a sentence of just over 13 years, which is below the standard sentencing range.
Regardless of the sentence, Sutton insists the meeting with Hooks has resonated with Patterson.
Sutton said Patterson has repeatedly read a copy of Hooks’ statement.
“He did not anticipate how impactful that meeting would be. He really has been thinking about it since then,” she said.
Ferrari was driving with his children, ages 4 and 7, and his parents when he was struck by gunfire at the intersection at East Cherry Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Way. Ferrari’s father cradled his son in his arms as he died, police said.
Witnesses told police that Patterson and three other men had been at a deli just before the shooting when one of the men insulted Patterson, prompting him to pull out a gun and fire. The bullet missed its intended target and hit Ferrari.
Despite multiple dead ends during a two-month investigation, detectives ultimately collected enough pieces of the puzzle, including Metro bus-surveillance videos, interviews, cellphone records and information from a confidential source to arrest Patterson.
Ferrari’s homicide galvanized a community already sickened by random violence. It came just over a month after Nicole Westbrook, a 21-year-old newcomer to the city, was killed in a drive-by shooting in Pioneer Square. Like Ferrari, police said she was not the gunman’s intended target.
Westbrook’s slaying remains unsolved.
Patterson, who does not have any previous adult felony convictions, pleaded guilty in July.
Attorney Jeffery Robinson, who is representing Hooks, declined to comment on the August meeting with Patterson, which he also attended.
He said that Hooks does not plan to testify at Friday’s sentencing hearing. It’s unclear what length of sentence Hooks is supporting.
Hooks pushed to meet her husband’s killer after reading a January New York Times Magazine story detailing how a Florida family met with their daughter’s killer as part of their healing process, Sutton said.
Patterson had nothing to gain from talking to Hooks. He had already pleaded guilty and had no guarantee that anything he said during the meeting would convince her to recommend leniency.
“What he had were a lot of good reasons, but they were internal,” Sutton said. “He did it because he felt like Dr. Hooks deserved it; Dr. Hooks and Justin Ferrari’s children and his [own] daughter deserved it.”
The meeting occurred in a courtroom instead of the jail visiting room because Hooks didn’t want a glass partition between her and Patterson, Sutton said.
While the two spoke, Sutton and Robinson sat at the table. In the courtroom gallery were O’Toole, the Seattle police detectives who investigated the homicide and a team of King County Jail officers.
After reading her statement, Hooks listened to what Patterson had to say. Within 30 minutes the meeting was over.
The growing concept of victims meeting privately with the person who victimized them or their loved ones is known in legal circles as “restorative justice.” However, it comes into play far more often in less serious crimes and those committed by juveniles.
Prison Fellowship International, a prison ministry based in Virginia, facilitates restorative justice meetings. Lynette Parker, a program manager for Prison Fellowship International, said nearly all of these meetings are between a victim and an offender already in prison.
“We have a good system, however, it is still controlled. The speech tends to be very limited, there’s not that opportunity for dialogue,” said Parker. “This is an opportunity for the victim to ask his or her questions, listen to the offender and ask more questions.”
Parker, whose organization was not involved in Patterson’s case or the case in Florida, said that in a traditional restorative justice setting each side tells their “story.” The meetings can give victims or their loved ones a better understanding of what led up to a crime as well as the defendant’s background.
“I have seen a home invasion go from the home invasion to talking about the offender’s alcohol problem because alcohol was a key player in the decisions made,” she said.
Parker was surprised that the meeting between Hooks and Patterson had occurred before sentencing. “It takes a lot of courage on both sides to have that meeting because you never know what to expect,” she said. “Critics like to call this ‘soft on crime.’ ”
She added that the face-to-face meeting is “the first step in rehabilitation.”
“At the end of the day the goal is to prevent crime and help people who have committed crime understand what they’ve done.”
When Hooks asked for a restorative justice-style meeting to be arranged, Sutton turned to a group in Oakland, Calif., for help but no facilitator was available. With no history putting together such a meeting she, Robinson and O’Toole were “winging it.”
“I frankly had many sleepless nights before this happened thinking what (Patterson’s) participation would mean. I felt like I was in total uncharted waters,” Sutton said.
Sutton said that the meeting was emotional for both sides. Hooks seemed mostly focused on Patterson’s “remorse and his apology and the way he was with her.”
“It seemed she was more interested in him on the basic humanity level. Essentially this was a crazy, fluky, tragic, horrible accident. There was nothing intentional, it was just a very terrible coincidence that he [Ferrari] was in the line of fire.”
Jennifer Sullivan: 206-464-8294 or On Twitter @SeattleSullivan.

lundi 25 août 2014

Who is suffering? Both sides now.

But some people see only one side.

As a human being, a liberal, and a Buddhist, I wonder how much pain people in this country are contributing to by giving in to prejudice, rage, and condemnation.   Even Buddhists...

The family of the policeman who killed the young black man in Missouri as well as the policeman himself are suffering.  No has heard their story.  Many, if not most, people don't care.  A whole nation, it seems, has risen up to condemn and, figuratively, lynch this man as a racist and brute.

Just as George Zimmerman unwittingly found himself in the situation in Florida where he shot another young black man and now will never be a free man--haunted by his own memories and by those who will hunt him down the remainder of his days--, so another man, with strengths and weaknesses like all of us, has found himself in a situation he never thought he would find himself in.

I'm sure he never intended to kill anyone except in self defense. Who knows how much violence he as a policeman has witnessed.

Very few people, except perhaps psychopaths, feel good about themselves after they have killed another man, for whatever reason.

Liberals can be fundamentalists, too, as we all can.

Is it racist...? Ask an Afro-Saxon!

Is it racist not to want to have people who, as soon as the weather is warm, roll down their car windows and blast the neighborhood with their neighborhood?   Maybe park and sit right outside your house, stretch out, and listen...?

I think not.

The large Afro-Saxon population of Seattle disagree.

Reading regularly a rag like The Stranger one could infer the following:

Tenet #1 of Afro-Saxons:   White people are to blame for everything, including the plight past and present of people of color, of whom blacks are first among equals.

Tenet #2 of Afro-Saxons:   Black people cannot be racist, by definition.  They can only be (A) victims or, alternatively, (B) victims, or (C) both.   Institutional racism and history is responsible for all their problems. African-American culture is not only cool, it is healthy, non-violent, law-abiding, hard-working, wise, superior, without shortcomings and beyond reproach of any kind.


From which we can deduce that 

(1) when Black people begin to move in large numbers into a non-black community and there is concern about noise and/or security, it is racism.   THIS IS OUR NEIGHBORHOOD.

(2) when White people (or some other group) moves in large numbers into a Black community and there is concern,  it is justified because that means Whites (or some other group) are taking over and pushing out Blacks. THIS IS OUR NEIGHBORHOOD.  


By implication, as well, there should be no mention of race (1) when someone of one race kills four police officers of another race, in cold blood, or when (2) a man of one race hits the mayor, who is of another race, in the head with a microphone.   No mention, no need then for analysis, or self-reflection.   (If you have to mention it, minimize).

dimanche 24 août 2014

une collaboration spirituelle consentie entre dix personnes supérieures éparses dans l'univers

Le roman, ainsi conçu, ainsi condensé en une page ou deux,
deviendrait une communion de pensée entre un magique écrivain et un
idéal lecteur, une collaboration spirituelle consentie entre dix
personnes supérieures éparses dans l'univers, une délectation
offerte aux délicats, accessible à eux seuls.

samedi 23 août 2014

Is it just a coincidence?

Someone within the Democratic Party or other liberal circles might want to ask the question:

Is it just a coincidence that African-American men are so heavily involved in violent criminal activity, compared to other racial/ethnic groups in America?

It's not that other groups are committing violent crimes and the police are "looking the other way" and, instead, focusing just on blacks.

Why do, for example, Asian-Americans or African immigrants (especially East African or Caribbean) complain much less about police brutality and racial profiling?

Which racial/ethnic group is most likely to be belligerent, make threats and use threatening physical gestures, explode in anger, and/or pull out a weapon?   Whites?   Asians?   Hispanics?  Blacks?

* * * * *

Why have I felt pistol-whipped, emotionally and verbally, when interacting with some African-Americans?   And you?

vendredi 22 août 2014

Avalokiteshvara, lit. (in Sanskrit), "the lord who looks in every direction," the bodhisattva of infinite compassion. Bihar, India.  Pala-Sena dynasty, 10th c. (?)

Is national legislation needed?

Maybe it is time for national legislation that limits the use of arms carried by the police to nonlethal arms that incapacitate suspected criminals and that at the same time carries the maximum penalty--either capital punishment or life imprisonment--for the murder of a police officer.

And for blacks to assume the responsibility for maintaining law and order in black-majority or black-plurality districts, in other words, a mandatory increased recruitment of black officers, similar to what happened in the sixties and seventies with affirmative action in education and stepped down recruitment efforts in government and business?

1992 Los Angeles: the National Guard called in

Does anyone recall the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles in the early 1990's, where in the aftermath of the rioting that took place 53 people were killed, 2,000 persons injured, and the cost in dollars was around $1 billion?

jeudi 21 août 2014

Asians, Hispanics, and others: In your experience, is it the police that more often are violent, or a certain out-of control segment of the African-American community?

Yes, this is a question of justice that affects us, our lives, occupations, family, friends,  communities, and future.

I call on my brothers and sisters of color--particularly, Hispanic, Asian, African, Arab, and others--to speak up openly without fear, in whatever way you can.   Be fair.  Be honest.  Scrupulously honest.

Let them call you whatever they wish to (right-wing, racist, crazy, an unrepresentative minority...).

But answer these two questions:

* Who do you fear the most, (white) Seattle policemen, or black men (and women)?

* Have you experienced harassment or violence at the hands of Seattle police (whatever the race) or African-Americans?

I predict that within a couple of decades it will become clear when people are no longer afraid of "saying yes, I am afraid. I have witnessed or been attacked or threatened by African-Americans on multiple occasions.  They were neither identified nor punished."

I am not a fan of the police.

But the wrong people are being hunted down.  People, including the police make mistakes.  And as anywhere, there are those who are prejudiced.

By and large, though, they collectively put their lives down on the line every day to ensure a minimum of safety and order, doing work that most of us would not want to do.

* * * * *

There is a problem of violence and bullying behaviors within the African-American community, one that spills out into other communities.  You have just to have eyes and ears and a beating heart to know that this is true.

Not all African-Americans engage in destructive behaviors but a disproportionate number do.  The positive work done by African-Americans is, some ways, offset by these hurtful attitudes and behavior.

It was President Obama, an African-American, whose Attorney General, another African-American, has sent the National Guard into Ferguson to quell a riot.   The president has admonished the local community not to use the opportunity to commit acts of vandalism and other unlawful behavior.   People there are not exactly holding silent, candle-lit, peaceful demonstrations.

Does anyone recall the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles in the early 1990's, where in the aftermath of the rioting that took place 53 people were killed, 2,000 persons injured, and the cost in dollars was around $1 billion?

mercredi 20 août 2014

Pickpockets in Italy

A cultural difference

They won't threaten you with a knife or a gun placed next to your head as in the United States, but thieves in Europe are still very proficient in their trade.  Pickpockets are rampant, from the perspective of any would-be foreign tourists, of which major European cities are teaming.

* * * * *

Who says we don't have the most violent society of the developed world (although others are quickly catching on and learning from us, thanks to what we export, Hollywood flicks and hip-hop)?  But we love it, anyway.

Seattleites: Let their deaths not have been in vain, either

The others.

Do not forget The others.

"We died not knowing why we were being attacked."

Have you ever heard of a mass protest by white people when a white person is killed by a non-white?

In the interests of equality and fairness, I have to ask:

Why weren't there huge riots by white people (and others) when the four Lakewood police were shot in cold blood by a black man several years?

Or Asian-Americans after Danny Vega, Dien Huynh, and Manish Melwani were killed by young black men?

Or Hispanic Americans in the face of the relentless hounding and public branding of George Zimmerman, to at least make sure that his side of the story--not just that of his attackers--was known to the public?

Will no one speak for them?  Were their deaths any less tragic than that of the young man in Ferguson?  Did they die in vain?

Is the pain and loss of their lives to their communities, families, and friends any less?   Please don't forget them.

Justice was not done in their case as long as these kinds of violent murders continue to occur, which they will, as the mentality of the community from which the killers came has not changed.

Remember what Right and Wrong are not only when you have been hurt but also when The Others have as well.

I can't figure America out.

The country has lost its moral compass, and I blame much of the media* for its biased reporting and commentary.  But the citizens, too, share responsibility for their silence in the face of demagogues and the masses whose emotions they whip up.

* The Stranger, The Seattle Weekly, Seattle Times, New York Times, Atlantic among others.

mardi 19 août 2014

Is only one side guilty of brutality (or violence)?

Blacks say that the police are guilty of brutality.  Victims of violent crime committed by black people--whatever their race--would reason to question that black-and-white version of reality.

Could the reality not be so simplistic as so many believe it to be?

Is violence only found committed by white policemen and never by black people?

Are there people taking advantage of the situation to themselves commit acts of violence (vandalism, physical attacks and aggression)?

Public opinion in America has become the 21st century's form of the lynch mob.  

lundi 18 août 2014

Count all the votes, please: America is not all black and white

Funny how no one bothers to ask how Hispanic Americans, Asian-Americans, Muslims, Native Americans, etc. feel about the work of local police in their communities in combating urban crime. Makes you feel kind of "left out."

America is not all black and white.

Other minorities may face discrimination, worse than what some blacks experience.  It's just that these other minorities don't talk about, dwell on, or exaggerate/magnify those negative experiences.  And that experience of prejudice is often from other minorities, particularly African-Americans (not African immigrants).

In the largest state of the Union, California, Hispanic Americans constitute the largest minority, with Asian Americans second, and, in numbers, African-Americans far behind the aforementioned two groups.  Yet the two groups are practically invisible in terms of the popular national consciousness (except in Texas perhaps).