vendredi 27 juin 2014

The impossible wish

Wishing that local leaders of the African-American community (do something to) stop the violence is like wishing The Stranger would provide balanced coverage of news.

97% of the murders of African-Americans are committed by other African-Americans.

It's not the comparatively rare shooting of a black man by a policeman that should cause outrage:  it is the thousands of black men killed by other black men every year.

* The Stranger the local newspaper that reports on all incidents of violence where blacks (and sometimes Hispanics) are victims and the attackers white (but never openly will identify the race of the victims if they are white (or Asian) an the race of the attackers if they are black.   It must be mentioned that the the latter happens 5-10 times as often as the latter.

Silence, only silence after James Paroline, the Rainier Beach traffic circle gardener, Kris Kime, and "Tuba Man" were savagely beaten to death...among the victims.   No acknowledgement or statement from either source.  Well, at least neither, to my knowledge, stated "they had it coming to them."

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