mardi 27 mai 2014

Shame (n), Shamed (v/pp), and Ashamed (adj)

What I learned primarily in graduate school was shame.

What it feels like to be shamed by a professor teacher human being.

I am ashamed.

The birth of fear

mercredi 21 mai 2014

Why is racism against whites, Asians, and other non-African-American minorities tolerated in Seattle?

"According to Butler-Wall, the legislation didn't have support of the majority of the board before a public meeting turned ugly. During the comment period, one man used racist language against board member Cheryl Chow and Superintendent Raj Manhas, but Butler-Wall did not silence him."

Raj-Manhas resigned in 2007.

No one in Seattle seems to have noticed, either, when The Stranger called someone "a chink" or referred to white people as "crackers" and "whities."

So much for equality.

As a child of abusive parents: A wish

Look inside me.  It is within me now.   It is not outside me.   

As a child of abusive parents, I spent a lot of my life blaming my parents for the pain in my messed-up life.

As a non-white, I spent a lot of time blaming (all )white people, or society in general, for my problems, as well.

What I didn't realize  is that all the "toxic parenting" and patterns of thinking and ways of being in the world that I associated with my parents was already within me.

And that attacking my parents for what was already within and part and parcel of me was useful, and, even worse, self-destructive.

In the same way,. I wish that people of color, especially African-Americans, would stop blaming others--especially white people and America in general--for their problems and messed-up behaviors, realizing that the most effective way for them to change the world they are so dissatisfied with is for them to change the negative ways of behaving by looking inside.  

Examples:  Challenging machoism, disavowing violence as a way of settling disputes, differentiating between arrogance and pride, developing a self-critical faculty, and not automatically blaming or pointing the finger at others.

The poison (hate, resentment, envy, rage, inertia, self-pity, self-righteousness...) is within me.  I need to draw it and expel it out of myself, not others.