dimanche 5 juin 2016

And this is what America has come to

I am not white myself...

No one wants to, or dares to--hear someone like myself, even if though I myself am not white , say that African-Americans are more racist than white people.

As Charlotte Rampling, Geraldine Ferraro, and others found out.

What Europeans, in particular, don't understand is the racial politics of the United States, which in many instances, is skewed in favor of African-Americans.

The New York Times, whose new chief editor, is African-American, ensures sympathetic, insistent coverage of African-Americans.   A foreigner might think that blacks accounted for 33%-50% of the U.S. population, when, in fact, they account for 12%.

The coverage of the passing of a sports, entertainment, etc. celebrity receives major headline coverage for days:  Mohammed Ali, Prince, etc.

The riots that have engulfed London and Paris in the past decade were inspired by the destructive side of the civil rights movement in the United States, something few, if any, mainstream commentators in this country have dared to observe.

The President of the United States, the Attorney General (the highest law enforcement official in the U.S.) are black, as if the president of the Academy Awards, and so on...

To challenge the notion that African-Americans live in poverty at a much proportionally higher rate than whites or Asians and that their self-defeating beliefs may play a greater role in the things that ail them is to lay oneself open to vicious attack and charges of racism.

This is not to deny that certain minorities in the world, such as the Uighur in Xinjiang in China, are victims of political repression.

But African-Americans have so disproportionately dominated sports, music, movies, and even politics (where they have become "the heart and soul" of the Democratic Party).

This passionate, fiery love affair with African-Americans and their culture is at odds with the continuing propaganda that slants news and only allows coverage of incidents where they are victims and never aggressors.

The media will never mention that the violent crime rate among blacks is several times that of other groups, only that they are incarcerated at a much higher rate (which would only make sense, as they commit astrononomically amounts of violent crime).

